Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pride is the Sin that did your Loan Modification In

Pride is the Sin that did your Loan Modification In

Here is a wake up call for you. I do not say these things to scare you or put you down. I say them to wake you up to the facts. Proud people loose their shirts and literally their home in today’s economy. If you are in a mortgage that is crushing you with each day that passes and too proud to realize it you are having fools pride instead of having pride in making the right decision and taking advantage of your great opportunity for a loan refinancing. If you have to decide between gas for your car, the water bill, or the mortgage and you are already shopping at Goodwill for your clothes and other essential you are in more trouble than you think. But at least you are proud you are still paying for your home, right? Let go the pride because now you can do something to relieve your losing situation and be proud of your smarts not your stubbornness that can potentially leave you in the street. If you can barely make the payments and each month you are falling about $50 or more behind because your bills outweigh your available funds and your reserves in the form of interest killing credit cards are $3000 from being maxed out—take steps and consider a loan modification to give you breathing room. Let go your pride and focus on the one thing you know you can change with a bit of effort. Save your last $3000 in your credit card and pay a loan modification expert to give you some relief!
When you start the loan modification process you start immediate relief. You are still responsible in most cases for paying your loan but with the modifications usually significantly reducing your monthly payments by a great deal your head can come out of the water. And there is no shame only pride in your smarts. The only shame is actually going to the point where you do lose your house and no longer have any funds to even rent an apartment. Consider this renting a two bedroom apartment in Miami can cost about $1200 per month and you never go in with just $1200 you need first and last and other fees and pass a financial check and it is not fast it takes at least one week. Do you really want to go through that and put out $3600 which you really do not have at a time when you need it most because you lost your home? Save the $3600 and keep your home if possible. A loan modification expert such as myself will tell you if they can help you. Not everyone can be helped but 99.9% of the people can. The pride of trying to win a losing battle can do your loan modification in because if you wait too long it can be even costlier to deal with a loan modification and foreclosure defense. Lose the pride and act early and maintain yourself above water.
Here is the thing, at this point in time for a very short time before the banks lobby to lock the loan modification process into a nightmare of legal minutia you can actually modify your loan and not hurt the bank badly and save a great deal of money. If you pay $5000 to save your house, save your life, and save $50,000.00 or more on your mortgages would you do it? Loan modification has no guarantees but all of these things are possible. Pay $5000 to save $50,000.00 is a no brainer in most people’s minds. Each case is different, we are not saying in your case that $50,000.00 can be saved but it will be a great deal if the modification is successful and while also not guaranteed, your monthly payments will be greatly reduced because the banks needs you and wants you to keep paying the loan. For the bank making less money in interest is better than losing the interest and some of the principle if you are upside down so they are willing to help out most of the time.
Loan modification is not shameful, if you have pride use it to be proud that you are smart enough to do mortgage modification instead of being stubborn and losing your shirt trying to keep up with false pride in maintaining a home you may not be able to maintain. Be smart and take pride in being smart by hiring the right loan modification expert like me and get your relief now; the smart way not the way that leads to the poor house—the street!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Three Crucial Things you SHOULD know about Loan Modifications

Three Crucial Things you SHOULD know about Loan Modifications

There are many unspoken rules and lore about the loan modification process. There are things that professionals cannot discuss with you but that you hear through the grapevine or through experience in dealing with the banks directly. There is no help for weary out there with the banks. They are entrenched and overworked and the customer service people are overwhelmed and callused from hearing so many crushing stories of desperation from their customers.
One of the things you must know is that if you have not started defaulting on your payments, your loan modification request will go the bottom of the pile. In fact some banks will tell you flat out that you cannot do a loan modification if you are current with your payment. No wonder the system is broken. When they can get you to start the process before they start losing income, they basically encourage you to stop making payments on your loan so you can be heard, not directly but with their bad attitude and some of them telling you directly that you cannot start if you are current on your payments.
You do have a powerful tool and the law is on your side. Banks do not have to log or even pay much attention to phone calls, but they must log every paper that comes to them by law. There are laws stating the time they must handle written requests in and the procedures for doing so. Banks by law must respond to written requests. They cannot forget about them, burry them (there is always a paper trail), or ignore them and not respond—the law requires them to respond and not just respond but respond in a timely manner set forth in the law. To get your loan modification issues resolved always write or fax the bank, they must listen to you then and do it quickly or you have cause to sue them. To get your rights better protected and potentially get better terms hire a loan modification expert, it really may save you a great deal more than you pay.
Banks hate lawyers but they hate loan professionals such as mortgage brokers even more. Why? Well they can spin many lawyer’s heads with numbers and they can offer deals to them that may carry hidden fees or some obscure terms that they write into the agreement that can dramatically affect your modification is a few years. However, when loan management professionals are on the case, these little shell games banks can play are no longer available to them. Loan brokers know loans often better than most bankers because they have to know how to get them through the system, bankers often know the most common terms and laws, but brokers know them all because that is how they make things happen. It is harder to bamboozle a loan professional and there is no spinning their heads with number and making a deal sound better than it is because no one knows a deal better than a loan broker. Lawyers are necessary, without them the process might work but the legal issues might spin out of control, but to negotiate the agreement with a bank find help from an expert in loans such as myself. The lawyer will draft the final papers as it should be but the hard out fight with the bank over the terms is best done by people who speak their language.